domingo, 14 de octubre de 2007


El finde prou bé, hem anat al poble.

Quan estic aquí m'enyoro i tinc moltes ganes d'anar-hi, però quan estic allí m'adono que realment ja no soc d'allí...

I és que no soc d'enlloc... suposo que algun punt negatiu havia de tenir el fet de volar tant aviat de casa, fer la meva, i és que per més independent que siguis, sempre formes part d'un conjunt, aquells que t'han ajudat a fer-te, a poc, a poc, a còpia d'anys: família, amics... aquells que malgrat els tens més o menys lluny hi són i això no té preu!

Enllaço la meva cançó preferida de batxillerat aquella amb la que anava a correr a les 7 del matí abans d'anar a classe ( allò era voluntat i el demés són tonteries! ), suposo que aleshores pensava en les meves mil cabòries que devia tenir al cap, notes, exams, roba... Ara si llegeixo la lletra ho tinc clar... és per tu! Merci pel weekend!

Aretha Franklin - I Say A Little Prayer

The moment I wake up

Before I put on my makeup

I say a little pray for you

While combing my hair now,

And wondering what dress to wear now,

I say a little prayer for you

Forever, and ever, you'll stay in my heartand

I will love you

Forever, and ever, we never will part

Oh, how I love youTogether,

forever, that's how it must be

To live without you

Would only meen heartbreak for me.

I run for the bus, dear,

While riding I think of us, dear,

I say a little prayer for you.

At work I just take time

And all through my coffee break-time,

I say a little prayer for you.

Forever, and ever, you'll stay in my heartand

I will love you

Forever, and ever we never will part

Oh, how I'll love you

Together, forever,

that's how it must be

To live without you

Would only mean heartbreak for me.

I say a little prayer for you

I say a little prayer for you

My darling believe me, ( beleive me)

For me there is no one but you!

Please love me too (answer his pray)

And I'm in love with you (answer his pray)

Answer my prayer now babe (answer his pray)

Forever, and ever, you'll stay in my heartand

I will love you

Forever, and ever we never will part

Oh, how

I'll love you

Together, forever, that's how it must be

To live without you

Would only mean heartbreak for me (oooooooooh)

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