viernes, 28 de diciembre de 2007


Fa molt dies que no et dic res bonic no? Seré rància...

Words Don't Come Easy
by F.R. David
Words, don't come easy, to me,
how can I find a way,
to make you see,
I love you
words don't come easy
Words, don't come easy, to me,
this is the only way,
for me to say
I love you
words don't come easy
Well I'm just a music man,
melodie 's so far my best friend
but my words are calling out longer
I reveal my heart to you and
hope that you'll believe it's true, 'cause
Words, don't come easy to me,
how can I find a way,
to make you see,
I love you
words don't come easy
This is just a simple song,
that I've made for you on my own,
there's no hidden needing, you know that I
when I say I love you honey,
please believe I really do, 'cause
Words, don't come easy to me,
how can I find a way,
to make you see,
I love you
words don't come easy
It isn't easy,
words don't come easy....
Words, don't come easy, to me,
how can I find a way,
to make you see,
I love you
words don't come easy
don't come easy to me,
this is the only way,
for me to say, I love you
words don't come easy

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Per què no li dius coses boniques?
De vegades,però no cal parlar, no?
El pots mirar, el pots tocar....és veritat que de vegades les paraules no surten fàcilment...Quina cançó!

Anónimo dijo...

Ja, verjetno zato je